May 6, 2024
Meet the Team - Michael Richwein, Client Operations & Remote Coach

Some of you may know him as “Coach,” while others have had the pleasure of interacting with him on a myriad of topics, ranging from membership inquiries, billing, client relations and more. Michael wears the hats of both Remote Coach and overseer of Client Experience. Michael is a seasoned wellness professional who has dedicated much of his life to the realm of movement and sports, excelling as both a hands-on coach and behind-the-scenes operator. His journey began with a diverse array of athletic pursuits during his formative years, including baseball, football, hockey, soccer, track, and wrestling throughout elementary and middle school.

However, it was during his high school years that Michael's passion for football and baseball truly flourished. He emerged as a standout athlete, securing a four-year stint as a starter on the varsity football team and a three-year tenure in the baseball program. Yet, amidst his athletic endeavors, Michael found another love during his off-season: the weight room. Despite participating in track events like the 55-meter sprint and 4x100 relay, his true devotion lay in the gym, where he experienced firsthand the transformative power of strength training. It wasn't long before the benefits translated into tangible on-field success.

Michael's dedication to athletic excellence persisted into college, where he defied physical expectations as a player, standing at 5’5” and weighing 150 pounds. Despite his stature, he contributed as a wide receiver, kick returner, and punt returner for Framingham State University's football team until an unfortunate ACL injury prematurely ended his collegiate career in 2012.

However, setbacks only fueled Michael's determination to explore the realm of human performance further. Following graduation, he obtained his CSCS certification and embarked on an internship as a Strength and Conditioning Coach with Athletic Based Training. Under the mentorship of Liane Blyn, now Director of Olympic Sports at Arizona State, Michael delved deeper into the intricacies of optimizing physical performance. He expanded his horizons by competing in Olympic Weightlifting and playing semi-professional football for the Taunton Gladiators between 2013 and 2017, marking the beginning of his journey in the wellness and fitness industry and a profound shift in his mindset and approach.

In subsequent years, Michael transitioned into the CrossFit arena, assuming the role of General Manager at CrossFit Crag in Massachusetts. While immersing himself in various CrossFit Opens and pushing his boundaries, he sensed a void that traditional fitness pursuits alone couldn't fill. This realization prompted him to invest in mentorship, coaching, and ongoing education, ultimately crystallizing his belief in the concept of "More Than Fitness."

For Michael, "More Than Fitness" encapsulates a holistic approach to well-being that extends beyond physical exertion. It encompasses “the life application of overcoming adversity, a constant state of evolution and radical pursuit of deep health and healing.” As he delved deeper into this ethos, Michael explored diverse modalities of holistic health and healing, recognizing the importance of mindset coaching, emotional well-being, nourishing nutrition, spiritual development, and connection to the earth.

Drawing from psychological frameworks like the Transtheoretical Model for change and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Michael is committed to facilitating lasting transformation and empowerment in individuals. His journey from athlete to wellness advocate reflects a profound evolution in perspective and purpose, rooted in a deep-seated belief in the boundless potential of the human spirit.

His posture remains grounded in the following two dimensions of ethos:

Sozo, meaning to heal, save, deliver, make whole and restore to health in every way, and Soli Deo Gloria, “for to God be the glory alone!”

Michael lives in sunny Alabama with his beautiful wife, Melissa and operates completely remote.

Check out Michael’s availability here, to schedule a free strategy session today.

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